Грецкий орех
Здесь представлены некоторые холдеры, сделанные и проданные за последнее время. Некоторые материалы, из которых сделаны представленные холдеры, более не доступны для заказа. Возможность изготовления холдера из другого материала уточняйте удобным для вас способом.
Here are some holders made and sold for the last time. Some of the materials from which is made is represented holders that are no longer available to order. The possibility of manufacturing a holder of a different material, specify a convenient way for you.
Here are some holders made and sold for the last time. Some of the materials from which is made is represented holders that are no longer available to order. The possibility of manufacturing a holder of a different material, specify a convenient way for you.