Blanzy Poure Co. NADIA n.801
295 pуб.
Отличное винтажное перо для повседневного письма. Тонкая волосная линия и в сочетании с хорошей гибкостью дают отличный контраст , что ценится не только в Копперплейт. Рабочая ширина тени до 0,75 мм . Перо рекомендую для начинающих и профессионалов. Каждый найдет свои плюсы в этом пере.
A great vintage pen for everyday writing. A thin hairline and in combination with good flexibility give an excellent contrast, which is appreciated not only in Copperplate. The working width of the shade is up to 0.75 mm . I recommend the pen for beginners and professionals. Everyone will find their advantages in this pen.
A great vintage pen for everyday writing. A thin hairline and in combination with good flexibility give an excellent contrast, which is appreciated not only in Copperplate. The working width of the shade is up to 0.75 mm . I recommend the pen for beginners and professionals. Everyone will find their advantages in this pen.